1. The name of this quadrangle is BEVERLY HILLS, CA.
2. Quadrangles adjacent to the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quad are THE FOLLOWING:
East of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle is the HOLLYWOOD, CA quadrangle.
West of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangleis the TOPANGA CANYON, CA quadrangle.
South of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangleis the VENICE, CA quadrangle.
North of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle is the VAN NUYS, CA quadrangle.
Northwest of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle is the CANOGA PARK, CA quadrangle.
Northeast of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle is the BURBANK, CA quadrangle.
Southeast of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle is the INGLEWOOD, CA quadrangle.
There isn't any quadrangle adjacent to the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle to its
southwest. To the southwest of the BEVERLY HILLS, CA quadrangle is the Pacific
Ocean/Santa Monica Bay.
3. The date of the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle is 1995. However, data for the map for the map dates from 1964. Topography for this quadrangle was complied in 1966, planimetric features were identified from imagery acquired in 1978, and hydrographic data was complied from NOS/NOAA chart 18744, dated 1964.
4. The datum for the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle is North American Datum of 1927, though the North American Datum of 1983 is also depicted in the map corners.
5. The fractional scale (representative fraction) for the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle is 1:24,000.
6. For a map with a fractional scale of 1:24,000 ...
a) 5 centimeters on the map is equivalent to 1200 meters on the ground.
b) 5 inches on the map is equivalent to 1.894 miles on the ground. (Figure rounded.)
c) One mile on the ground is equivalent to 2.64 inches on the map.
d) Three kilometers on the ground is equivalent to 12.5 centimeters on the map.
7. Contour lines on the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle are depicted at 20 foot intervals, with supplementary contour lines depicting elevations on gentle slopes at 10 foot intervals.
8. Approximate geographic coordinates in both degrees/minutes/seconds and
decimal degrees for selected features depicted on the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle are as follows:
a) the Public Affairs Building: 34 deg, 04 min, 28 sec N, 118 deg, 26 min, 21 sec W (lat
34.07451 N, lon 118.43913 W).
b) the tip of Santa Monica pier: 34 deg, 04 min, 28 sec N, 118 deg, 26 min, 21 sec W (lat
34.07451 N, lon 118.43913 W)
c) the Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir: 34 deg, 07 min, 14 sec N, 118 deg, 24 min, 36 sec W
(lat 34.12067 N, lon 118.41009 W)
9. For the list of selected features below, the approximate elevation is ...
a) The approximate elevation at Greystone Mansion (in Greystone Park) is approximately
560 feet (171 meters).
b) The approximate elevation at Woodlawn Cemetery is 140 feet (43 meters).
c) The approximate elevation at Crestwood Hills Park ranges from 600 feet (183 meters) at
its southern corner to 840 feet (256 meters) at its northernmost point.
10. The BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle is located in UTM zone 11.
11. The UTM coordinates for the lower left corner of the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute
quadrangle are 36167629
12. There are 100,000 square meters within each cell (square) of the UTM grid.

13. The chart above depicts elevation measurements, from west to east along the UTM northing 3771000 at intervals of one kilometer. The profile begins at easting 362000 and its western extent and it ends at easting 373000 at its eastern extent. The ordinate on this graph represents feet above sea level. The abscissa represents ordinal positions along the northing line.
14. The magnetic declination for the BEVERY HILLS, CA 7.5 minute quadrangle is 14 degrees east of north. (Datum good for 1999.)
15. The intermittent stream located in the nameless canyon between the 405 freeway and Stone Canyon Reservoir (north of the end of Moraga Drive) flows southward.